Brynlie is doing great in gymnastics. She is the only one who can hold herself up by her arms on the uneven bars. She's the best one on the trampoline in the class and this week she amazed us all doing a bear crawl across the parallel bars. She excels in more complicated tasks in class, yet cannot figure out that she needs to tuck her chin to her chest to do a foward roll! It's hard to get pictures in class because she's in a "Mommy and Me" class, meaning I'm on the floor through the whole class assisting (or chasing) her!
She's done so good with her manners. She is saying "thank you" on her own and often. She says "duse me", which is excuse me and bless you. I don't think I've ever heard a 2 year old with manners like hers. She's still plenty of a TWO year old, she now tells me she needs things "Pees, Mommy....I need it" This usually applies to candy and paci's.
I've been hiking Pinnacle mountain with a co-worker once a week for several weeks now and absolutely love it!! With my fear of hieghts, I'm pretty proud of myself. While at the top I don't walk around or move much and I cannot look up any while I'm coming down, but I keep testing myself and will glance up a few time on the way down. I wish I could just stop and take in the scenery coming down the mountain, because it's gorgeous, but that's okay I'll get there one day. Here's a picture from the top.
Spending some quality beauty time together at Birdsong's Bachlorette Pad :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Future Olympian
Posted by Monkey and Me at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Valentine's and Words of Love
We had a great trip to Kansas. Bryn came home worn out from playing and me from working!! As you can see Bryn got lots of goodies for Valentine's Day. In the last couple weeks she has started saying "I wuv u, Mommy" on her own and that has been the best Valentines I could of about your heart melting in 1/2 a second!! She's been telling Gigi too.
As we were hanging out in the restroom patiently waiting for a bowel movement Brynlie looked up at me and started saying, in the sweetest voice "I wike pitza, I wike cake, I wike Go-Go." When she started on her list she began staring off into space like she was really thinking hard about everything she liked!! I couldn't do anything but laugh.
Everything with Rhea Lana's is moving right along. Corporate RL rolled out a new website and I'm proud to say that MY saying I made up last year of "Spend Thrifty, Shop Trendy" was trademarked and is on every page of the new website!!!
Spoiled Much???? Surrounded by Valentine presents....this does not count all the CANDY!!
Nap with Papa
Posted by Monkey and Me at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We got 6+ inches of snow in yesterday. It was really pretty! We tried to make a snowman but the snow was already too hard from the rain freezing on top of the snow. Brynlie was perfectly happy just eating it. She was mad because she wasn't big enough to break through the snow while walking like I was doing. It was so hard she just stood on top of it, but would stand there and scream "PUSH" trying to break through! She would of played out there all day if I would of let her.
Hopefully the weather cooperates and we can still head to Kansas on Friday. Maybe we'll just build our snowman there.
Posted by Monkey and Me at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Uncle Tom
We attended Uncle Tom's funeral on February 3rd. It was a nice service with many in attendance. You could really tell how many people loved him. He will be dearly missed! One of Uncle Toms friends had brought him a huge monkey as a get well present and Aunt Narcie wanted Brynlie to have it. Thank you Aunt Narcie, we feel really special to be given something of his and will always keep it. Brynlie LOVES him, even though he is as big as she is, she drags him around like a baby doll. He has to sit next to her to watch t.v., she wants him to sit at the dinner table while she eats, and she enjoys reading to him and putting him nite nite. Its super cute to watch her with this big ole' monkey!!
Posted by Monkey and Me at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Brynlie's Language
Bryn's speech therapist said she would be done working with her by the end of the month. YEA, Brynlie! Before her speech becomes perfect I wanted to get a little bit of her language documented. Up until last week she has thought her last name was Harmon, actually she thought every body's last name was Harmon. Of course, GiGi was eating it up, but I guess her speech therapist got a hold of her and they worked on her real name.
Brynee Bee-dong = Brynlie Birdsong
pooter = computer
bee-byes = french fries
I-com = ice cream
chee-butt = ketchup
caw-ket = chocolate
do-nin = doing
cuz = becuase
wuv uh = love you
see mo-nin = see you in the morning
hab gud day = have a good day
hole cow = holy cow
bass = bath
power = flower
butt-a-byes = butterflies
go cazy = go crazy (from Go Go)
adee = paci
Posted by Monkey and Me at 9:13 PM 1 comments