Visit my store at to see custom leotards and more for your little monkey!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Playroom 1-2-3

I fixed up a playroom for Brynlie. I had 3 emotions come over me when I was done. 1.) I was happy to have my living room/kitchen/bedroom/master bath back! 2.) I was a little embarrassed the 2 of us could fill up every inch of a four bedroom house, however the house has started looking REALLY good! 3.) For the first time....I'm not concerned about where I'm going to put all of Santa's goodies! I taught Brynlie how to say "Bring It, Santa" I wish I would remember to hold the camera right when videoing, but this one was too cute....had to share it. Oh, yes....if you are wondering about the potty was a NO GO. It was easy to talk myself out of sticking to it when I realized any strides she might gain would probably be lost while enjoying the long holiday weekend.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Take 2

We made a stop at Target tonight on the way home. We got a baby that potty's, Elmo's Potty Time DVD, and new Elmo panties that Brynlie picked out all by herself! I also officially started Christmas shopping, I love it when you can do that with the child right there in the cart. When we got home I put the DVD on, let her put on a new pair of her panties, and showed her how her baby used the potty. She was sitting on her potty watching her movie when low and behold SHE POTTIED!!!! Even though it was through her panties I was excited! We might not be able to leave the house for the entire weekend since this is on the agenda, but I really think she's ready. I'm also really hoping she'll be back to sleeping in her own bed all night by the end of the weekend. So....wish us luck (or maybe say a prayer for my sanity)!! She's doing good with colors, she knows blue and pink and can count to 10 better in Spanish than she can in English (repeating the numbers).

Moisturizer and Lipstick

I've successfully managed to put Bryn to bed in her own bed every night for 5 nights now. I have to sit in her room until she falls asleep and one night I had to put her back in bed SEVERAL times, but it's not been too bad. Unfortunately she doesn't stay there. When she gets up in the middle of the night I've tried to start over, put her back in her bed and sit with her until she falls back asleep but it's a little more difficult for me in the middle of the night! I don't mind her sleeping with me it's the mornings that have become difficult since I don't have anytime to get through the morning without a 2 year old reeking havoc! Last week she kept taking stuff out of the bathroom drawers and disappearing, by the time I got out of the shower she was back and I could tell something was in her mouth. I told her to spit it out and put my hand underneath her chin. She opened her mouth for me to find a huge glob of moisturizer cream, so thick I had to scrape it out with my finger. She's also found gum in my purse while I was trying to get ready and this morning it was LIPSTICK!! Thankfully she's so proud of herself she comes to show me what she's done! So either I take the hard road and get her back in her bed or I'm just going to start getting up about 5:00 am so I can get through some of my morning alone!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Finally got the comments should be able to leave one now.

Little This and That

After spending two years with Bodie....she finally tried some of his food! She started wiping her tongue on GiGi's leg afterwards. YUCK! Her speech is still improving greatly each week. I was putting a sweater (as a jacket) on her last week and she started saying "no, mommy, eww eww" Frequently I have to tell her to show me because I don't know what she's saying. She took me to the coat rack and pointed to her monkey jacket, but she won't say monkey! She does the same in the bath tub with her toy ducks, she just says quack, quack when she see's one or picks it up to play with it. At least now I know when she's saying "eww eww" she wants either her monkey jacket or monkey pj's. Speaking of pj's her sleeping habits have went down the toilet! I feel like I'm dealing with an infant again! She's up way too late and up way to early since sleeping with me. She used the "I want milk" as a stalling method for the fist time last night. Most of the time she'll stay in bed in the mornings if I turn cartoons on for her or will just get up and play in bed or grab a book while I'm getting ready. Monday morning I was in the shower and looked down to see buck naked Brynlie standing at the shower door saying "Bryne bat" Call me selfish, but I need just an hour or so at night and again in the morning before I have to put my "single mommy of a two year old" skills to work! So I'm fixin' to put the smackdown on some sleeping habits around here! Since she's been taking her diaper off by herself all the time lately, I'm pretty sure we are going to try potty training again soon. Just trying to figure out which is more important....the sleeping or the potty training, because I'm only going to work on one at a time!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Brynlie had a blast! We started out at a little carnival at a church with Nonee, GiGi, Christy and Tatum. I posted a video of her doing the cake walk. I know I'm bias, but seriously my kid is hilarious! We ventured out for trick-or-treating when it got dark. She tried to say trick-or-treat and preferred giving the person answering the door a piece of candy from her bag instead of the other way around. She loved all the decorations, saying "Hi and Bye" to all the ghosts and pumpkins. I think shes coined the term "Cute As A Bug!" I had a GREAT evening with my little "punkin."